About him

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This is Dr. Chunqi JIANG’s webpage!

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(Recent update on 2024/03)

Dr. Chunqi Jiang specializes in marine microbiology with a particular focus on the Vibrionaceae family, utilizing advanced genomic techniques. He has extensive experience with next-generation sequencing technologies, including Nanopore sequencing, as well as de novo assembly and genomic analyses. Currently, Dr. Jiang is expanding his research to explore the dynamics, functions, and novel insights of marine microorganisms through BIG DATA (Metagenomics), with an initial focus on the phylum Chloroflexota.

Please feel free to contact him if any queries (中文/ENGLISH/日本語).


· Microbiology · Genomics · Ecology · Bioinformatic


Research Topics

  • Sequencing/Data handling/de novo Assembly

  • Identification/Classification/Taxonomy

  • Pangenomic analyses

  • Ecological relationship

Latest News

🎉 Funding Get

September 01, 2024

He has been selected for The next generation to leap forward “Research Boost Program (YF2024)” from The University of Tokyo, supported by Daiichi-Sankyo ”Habataku” Support Program for the Next Generation of Researchers.

🚢 Cruise MR24-01C

March 07, 2024

He was on a cooperative ocean research cruise (MR24-01C) from 2024/02/13 to 2024/02/29 (Leg1) around the Western North Pacific.

New publication on Microbiol. Resour. Ann.

February 20, 2024

The new paper entitled “ Draft genome sequences of three rhodopsin possessing Croceitalea sp. strains, isolated from the sea surface microlayer in Japan ” has been published on Microbiology Resource Announcements.

The 36th JSME & The 13th ASME

November 30, 2023

He participated in “ The 36th JSME & The 13th ASME “ at Hamamatsu, Shizuoka, Japan from 27 Nov to 30 Nov. And he had an oral presentation titled “Characterization of the Global Ecological Traits of Marine Chloroflexi Using Metagenomic Big Data”.


Latest Papers



Academic Work


〒 277-8564 千葉県柏市柏の葉5-1-5

東京大学 大気海洋研究所

Atmosphere and Ocean Research Institute, The University of Tokyo

5-1-5, Kashiwanoha, Kashiwa-shi, Chiba, 277-8564 Japan

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